Wednesday 2 June 2010

It's Your Choice

Day 17

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” Said Charles R Swindoll

There is no getting away from it, we all face setbacks, mishaps, challenges and obstacles strategically placed along the road of life. How you deal with them ultimately determines the quality of your life. 

This morning I had an appointment for a blood test at my local doctor’s surgery. A place, thankfully I rarely frequent. I was unsure of the procedure, was a few minutes late for my appointment and was spoken to in a very rude manner by the phlebotomist. So much so I was on the verge of tears.

Driving home I was processing the situation and came to the conclusion that it wasn't so much the sarcastic way I was spoken to - but my reaction to what she had said. I had a choice, to feel hurt and angry and let it eat me up all day or I could simply let it go.

How you react to situations is a choice that you make every single day. Next time something similar happens to you, remember you choose, you can have a more positive or a more negative reaction.

I know which I choose every time. When it comes to other people
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt

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