Thursday, 3 June 2010

Do You See What I See?

We all have blind spots. As my coach says, sometimes we can’t see our own face.

I’m often surprised how I react to others perception of me. Today 3 different people in three different situations told me I was inspirational. I was taken aback.

Three years ago as preparation for a workshop I was attending we were asked to contact a minimum of 10 friends, colleagues or members of our family and ask them to list what they saw as our unique abilities. An exercise that I believe originated from Dan Sullivan.

Dan believes we spend our time moving from one to another of these four areas.

Unique Ability

At the time of the exercise I was surprised by the results, see below. Dan Sullivan says your own unique ability is effortless, It just happens naturally because it’s what you love to do. My biggest learning from the exercise was that I was spending too much time focusing on my weaknesses. If these are my strengths then I need to nurture them. And nurture them I now do, only sometimes more easily than others!

Supportive of others ,Honest , Listens, Calm, Energy/ get up and go /Get on and do/ Go the extra mile ,Hardworking / give 100% ,Empathises with others concerns issues problems , Approachable, family orientated, Passion for business is inspiring, Reliable, Focussed, Determined ,Sincere, Welcoming, Genuine, Courageous , Loving ,Dependable, Good fun , Kind, Consistent/ constant Interested , Valuing others , Let people be themselves/ people relax in my company/ non judgemental Passionate, Trustworthy, Warm, Attention to detail, creatively minded, Super organised, Anticipate what might happen in a situation, Look after self, Sensitive to other peoples personalities, Help people talk through and resolve complex stuff, Active, Involved, Quick to see patterns, Hands on, Pushes self out of comfort zone, Encouraging, Friendly, Sincere, Spiritual, Caring, Helpful, Loyal, Easy to talk to, Guidance, Sees the positive, Helps others identify their strengths, Mentor, Confident,Good sense of humour, Excellent communication, reflective, Professional, Neat, Intelligent, Cheerful, Safe, Curious, Calculated risk taker, Responsible, Efficient, Motivating, Giving, Generous with time, connecter, Challenges others

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