Sunday 29 November 2009

Let's Take Stock.

We are literally only a few weeks away from the New Year and I can guarantee that when January does arrive you will be inundated with a whole bunch of email newsletters telling you how to make your life better, richer, healthier, how to make more money and letting 2010 be your best year yet.

However, if you wait until January, like the majority of people do, it will be too late to make a significant difference to your results in 2010.

I believe the secret is to start building momentum right now, Today. So that when January 1st arrives you will already know where you are heading, you will know precisely what it is you want to achieve and you will know specifically what steps you need to take and the actions that will get you there.

But before you rush off and madly setting new goals for 2010, STOP.
Let’s evaluate what you have achieved this year first.

A mind map could be a useful tool for this as it encourages both left and right brain thinking Carolyn Barber, who runs was our guest speaker at Winning Women this month and she demonstrated how mind maps could be used to track success.

Just as you would a normal mind map, start in the centre with either an image or word that describes your success and then use the branches to focus on how you achieved this.
Your main branches will probably be include, events, preparation, actions, review, feedback and future planning. Sub branches can then be connected to second and third level branches if required.

Of course the mind mapping tool can also be used to set goals for the coming year, but what if you didn’t quite achieve what you set out to?

Here are some questions to ponder

What progress have I made to achieving my goals?

How much on a scale of 1-10?

What inspired me to make the action I’ve taken?

Have I allowed enough time to do all the things I want/need to do?

What got in the way of me taking further action?

Has my goal changed?

What adjustments can I make to increase my effectiveness in 2010?

What have I ultimately learned about myself this year

I’d love to hear your stories, leave a comment below to tell me your biggest achievement in 2009 or if you'd prefer send me an email

I look forward to hearing from you.

Monday 23 November 2009

Finding Your Ultimate Business Confidence

Finding Your Ultimate Business Confidence

‘How to get Sky High Confidence to Soar into 2010’

Event: Special Teleseminar with Allison Marlowe and Karen Williams

Time: 8:00pm

Date: Tuesday, 24th November 2009

Number to Dial: Simply follow the registrations details below and you'll get all the details to join us

Nobody ever said running a business would be easy …….. It’s not always simple to juggle responsibilities, meet deadlines, achieve your goals AND feel like a confident business woman.

But, your level of success is closely determined by your self confidence.
Maybe you find that your level of self confidence tends to go up and down like the tide?

Maybe you find a lack of confidence holds you back from being your best self?

Maybe you worry about what others think about you?

It doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine if you could feel great about yourself everyday.

Believe it or not we are all born with total confidence. Just think for a moment about a baby learning to feed himself. He wouldn’t give up each time he lacked co-ordination to put the spoon directly into his mouth. He would persevere – and continually keep going until he mastered the skill.

Join me on this EXCLUSIVE teleclass where I will be talking to Karen Williams who will reveal some of her superb strategies that when implemented will make you feel great about yourself everyday.

Imagine the impact that will have on your business?

This is a FREE Teleseminar please make sure you join the call on time with a pad of paper ready to take plenty of useful notes.

To register simply click here.

Monday 16 November 2009

Check out “Ultrapreneurs Unplugged” E-book

If you are running a small micro business then you are going to want to read this e-book written by my good freind and colleague Wendy Dashwood -Quick

Wendy has carried out some detailed research in to the minds of Ultrapreneurs. Find out what she discovered by downloading your free copy here: “Ultrapreneurs Unplugged” E-book

Friday 13 November 2009

Are You An LLL ?

If you want to be successful you need to be a LLL. Life Long Learner.

Some one once said to me that you are never a failure until the day you stop learning.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" said "The only way to fail is to quit!"

Learning doesn’t have to be confined to the class room. In fact I am not a great fan of formal education, trying to force square pegs into round holes just doesn’t work. As a student I was very middle of the road with average marks which reflected my attitude to learning.

What I love about Life long learning is that it encapsulates everything. Change is happening all around us, technology is growing at such a furious pace, there is always something to learn. Which is why yesterday I attended a workshop with Anne Durward Brown

So why, when I teach marketing am I going along to a referrals workshop? Surely I know all this stuff?

Well yes I do, but I don’t know everything, and pretty much of what I do know needed to be reinforced again. Knowledge is value. You are only as good as what you know, therefore as I see it I owe it to my clients to continuously learn, expand, update and refresh my skills, so that I can be more valuable to them.

I believe Life Long Leanring is the only sure way to improve your knowledge and skills, so that you can achieve success.

Where are you on your learning path?

Tuesday 10 November 2009

How Often Do You Review Your Business Plan?

Surprisingly, a high majority of women who enrol on the Business Accelerator Programme don’t have a business plan.

However, I would argue that a business plan acts as an essential tool, a road map to steer you to your future success - you need to have some kind of written plan.

Okay, maybe a formal document that you would present to your bank manager isn’t necessary, but if you haven’t recorded specifically what it is you are wanting to achieve (your vision) with a clearly defined strategy of how to achieve it, how will you know which route to take, which way to go – because you won’t even know where you are heading.

A plan will give you a sense of direction, it will really help you to focus your thoughts and get specific about WHAT it is you want and WHY that important to you. You need to know in advance what projects you are going to work on, the projects will give you the best ROI, the opportunities that are available to you.

My challenge to you today is to sit down and outline a basic structure of how you intend to operate and
develop your business in a realistic and measurable way for the next 12 months.

If you already have a plan in place, congratulations. But I am not going to let you get off lightly, now is an ideal time to review your plan and update it – get clear on the goals, objectives and results you want to achieve in 2010 and you will be ahead of the game, ready to hit the ground running when the New Year comes.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Trust Your Instincts

A couple of weeks ago I took time for one of my ‘be nice to me days’ and used the occasion to treat myself to a make up lesson. I needed an absolute beginners crash course as I’ve never been very adventurous when it comes to wearing make-up, I’m a mascara, lipstick, done kinda girl.

Interestingly, I learned a few unexpected things from the experience - apart from how to apply my makeup that is.

The first is that we really do have the answers within us. Our instinct and intuition are very strong. Wendy showed me a beautiful palette of colours divided into warms and cools, my eyes were instantly drawn to the warm shades and I instinctively knew which shades were right for me.

Secondly, despite feeling rather cack handed in actually applying the makeup I realised I knew more than I thought, take applying blusher for example. It felt very natural applying the colour to my face and instinctively I used the correct strokes in the correct places.

So how does this experience relate to running a small business?

When you hone your intuition you have the ability to be your very own best resource,

Now I am all for mentorship and collaboration, it’s wonderful to have a team of trusted advisors, coaches and accountants for example but when it comes down to it, nobody understands your business quite like the person who’s running it - You.
Listen to the advice of others but at the end of the day you have to trust your own instincts.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

As You Sow So Shall You Reap

I'm not sure where I originally came across this little ditty by personal development author Chuck Gallozzi but I want to share it with you because I think you will love it too!

Plant your garden of success today:

First, plant 3 rows of peas;

Positive thinking

Next, plant 3 rows of squash;

Squash excuses
Squash blame
Squash criticism

Then, plant 3 rows of lettuce;

Let us be responsible
Let us be trustworthy
Let us be ambitious

Finish, with 3 rows of turnip;

Turn up when needed
Turn up with a smile
Turn up with confidence

Chuck Gallozzi