Tuesday 23 June 2009

Using Twitter and Facebook to Build your Business 'How to create Social Networking Success’

Every networking group or business related function I attend at the moment the topic of conversation sooner or later turns to that of Twitter or Facebook.

The extraordinary growth in Social Media has led to a huge amount of public attention so it is probably inevitable that it is constantly at the fore of many peoples minds.

Facebook and Twitter have also become prominent marketing tools for business. Marketing strategies have certainly changed in the last five years since I started out in business and any wise business owner knows it is important to keep up with the latest trends if they wnat to stay ahead. I’m not saying every business owner should have a Facebook or Twitter account to generate business but both applications do open you up to wider social network that will help you make powerful connections, forge strong relationships and an opportunity to share information.

To find out why you need to be participating in social networking NOW and to hear Success stories from small and big businesses that have used Social media as a platform to market from click here

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