Friday, 14 November 2008

Are you a business giver?

We all live in a world of give and take, when something in nature becomes unbalanced mother earth has a wonderful way of adapting and adjusting so it can return to a state of stability, and the very same thing happens in business, by leading with an offer, something to give you naturally pave the way for something to be given in return.

Information marketing is, in my mind the way to go, many small businesses are even following this route without realising they are doing so. Offering a free report, free consultation, free email newsletter, a free cd, or dvd. The options are pretty endless.

So why is this so effective? Well , just one reason is that people buy from those they like know and trust. Offering something for free is an initial step in building a relationship with your potential clients, from there you can go and develop and nurture those relationships keeping in regular contact until that potential client is ready to buy.

If you believe in the laws of the universe just remember,

Give first and you shall receive.

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