Friday, 28 May 2010

What’s Your Why?

Day 12
Driving to the hairdressers this morning I caught myself thinking negatively about a task I need to complete in the next few days. If I didn’t have my current level of focus (thanks to this challenge) then I could very easily have started to slide off track, procrastinated and used every excuse under the sun as to why I should avoid carrying out the task.

Luckily, I know where I am heading and this task is just one of the steps that make up my journey to attain one of my current goals.

It’s only natural when we first set goals to feel excited and motivated, that feeling can carry us along for several days, or even weeks. But then, what happens? That little internal voice in your head starts harping on about the past, trying in vain to persuade you to keep those limiting beliefs and that’s one of the challenges people face when they set goals. They cannot stay focused on attaining the goal consistently and momentum dwindles.

Probably the most important approach to maintaining focus is to know your ‘why’ - the reasoning behind the goal. When the reason is strong or convincing enough, motivation to act will follow naturally.

It’s to be expected that those nagging doubts will creep in, I think that’s the universes way of ‘testing’ us. Testing us to see how much we truly want something and to see if we are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

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