Friday, 12 September 2008

Is it time for you to let go?

As written for the October edition of Big Voice.

Transition and change are very much on my mind at the moment, not only have my three daughters all moved on in their educational journey, I am about to embark on my new business venture. For the last nine months I have been very focused working towards the re-launch of my company. Interestingly now I am at the end of the preparations it seems to have sparked a desire to clean out my wardrobes and cupboards as if to create space and energy for new opportunities and growth.
So as I write this final column, I want you to ask yourself are there any areas in your life where you are unproductive? What’s currently cluttering up your life? What do you have to let go of or say goodbye to in order to get your energy flowing again. You see, change can be a very good thing. Below are some ideas, and thoughts to consider as you join me in letting go:
◊ What’s lurking in your wardrobe? Items of clothing that are too big, too small, out of fashion. Do you really think you will wear them again?

◊ Gym memberships and other subscriptions. Are you making good use of the facilities, is it good value for money? Do you enjoy the benefits? If not, it may be its time to say goodbye. Perhaps you would benefit more from walking, cycling or taking the stairs rather than the life at work.

◊ Old goals: Maybe it was not your goal in the first place. If you're not making progress and the thought of continuing to work on drains your energy, then maybe you need to let it go. If you later realise it was right for you, it will reappear again at the right time in your life.

◊ Clutter, do you really need all those piles of magazines, newspapers and bills that are years old and no longer serve a purpose in your life. Recycle what you ca n and shred the rest. Whilst we are at it what about those knick-knacks and souvenirs that annoy you every time you set eyes on them.

◊ Unwanted gifts and appliances like that bread maker or sandwich maker that’s you haven’t used for years.

◊ Lastly, probably the most damaging of all the things we hold onto is when we do not forgive ourselves and others. Why damage your future by dragging around the past?
I challenge you to choose just one area and ask yourself what it's time to let go of. Then get busy clearing out and taking action. You will be surprised how you may find yourself feeling lighter, freer and more creative. You might also find yourself feeling a little scared at the empty space that's left behind. But I envisage it wont be long before inspiration or opportunity strikes and something new and wonderful to take it's place.

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